Custom scented candles|Aromatherapy candle making process
Custom scented candles
#Prepare your supplies and work area#Melt and add fragrance
#Pour the wax into the mold
#Remove the offering from the mold and add the wick
Aromatherapy candles add atmosphere and warmth to any environment. Just change the color and aroma to easily customize the theme of the next special event or festival celebration.
If you have never made or used aromatherapy candles before, please note the following steps.
In this tutorial, we chose our sponge dye block and sea mist essential oil to create a refreshing summer atmosphere.
Note: we need a second pouring for the aromatherapy wax the next day. Be sure to take it into account in your process.
Additional items required:
- Double boiler or hot plate
- A spatula or spoon used to stir wax
- Topical alcohol
- tissue
- Paper cup and marker
- Operation steps
The first step. Prepare your supplies and work area
Before you start, make sure your work area is free of excess items and ready to make you cunning.

Step 2. Melt and add fragrance
Start melting a pound of wax you put on a double pot or hot plate. While waiting for the wax to melt, separate the number of sepiolite dye blocks you want to use for the candle cup. We recommend using 1 / 4 pieces per pound of wax in this project, but you can adjust it up or down according to the shadow you want to achieve.

Step three. Pour the wax into the mold
When the wax reaches 175 º F, it is time for the first dumping. Slowly, pour the melted wax on the edge of each candle cup mold.

Put the solid wax into the pouring tank and reheat until it reaches 190 º F. This higher temperature will help the wax adhere better to the solid cooled candle cup. Carefully pour wax to fill the remaining space and any sunken holes formed in the voting up to the edge of the die. Let the contents of the candle cup cool completely.

Gently pull the wick pins to remove them from the mold. Professional tip: the candle cup should fall off easily. If not, put them in the refrigerator for no more than a few minutes to shrink the wax.

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